
Since the inauguration of the first AVE line (high speed trains) in 1992 which links Madrid and Seville, there has been a lot of progress in this means of transport, of which there are already 3 models.

At present, there are a few lines under construction, and it is expected that the one linking Madrid and Alicante will be ready during the Saint John’s Bonfires festivities, which principally take place in Alicante from 18th to 26th June, being the main fiesta on the Night of Saint John, on the 24th. This is now one of the most demanded itineraries according to Adif (Administrator of the Railway Infrastructures).

The frequency and timings of this line are still to be determined, and it is estimated that the duration of the Madrid-Alicante trip will be of 2 hours and 15 minutes, against the 3 hours and 11 minutes as the current existing minimum duration of the journey.

Furthermore, efforts are being made to enable bus shuttle services between Alicante train station and the city of Benidorm, including companies of direct transfers to the hotels.

Since last week, tests are being done without passengers in the segment that joins Alicante and Albacete to verify with laboratory trains the correct functioning in this stretch, turning out to be these successful.

As for the price, it has yet not been established and, less than one month from the date scheduled for the arrival of the AVE to Alicante, tickets are still not for sale. The Chamber of Commerce and Coepa conducted a report that indicates that the minimum per trip would have to be 66 Euros for the AVE to be profitable. In this regard, as indicated last January by the Minister of Development, Ana Pastor, the time to buy tickets in advance will be extended. Currently, Renfe (the train service company) supports only purchases of tickets with up to 2 months in advance, and it is planned to extend this period up to 7 months by applying discounts of a maximum of 70% on the official rate for booking in advance. This strategy mimics the applied by low cost airlines to make the service more competitive.

To date, there are 10 AVE lines with the following itineraries:

Madrid – Ciudad Real – Puertollano – Córdoba – Sevilla

Madrid – Zaragoza – Lleida – Camp de Tarragona – Barcelona

Madrid – Guadalajara- Calatayud – Zaragoza – Tardienta – Huesca

Madrid – Segovia – Valladolid.

Madrid – Córdoba – Puente Genil Herrera – Antequera – Málaga.

Madrid – Cuenca – Albacete

Madrid– Cuenca – Requena / Utiel – Valencia.

Málaga – Antequera – Puente Genil Herrera – Córdoba – Zaragoza – Camp de Tarragona – Barcelona

Barcelona – Camp de Tarragona – Lleida – Zaragoza – Ciudad Real – Puertollano – Córdoba – Sevilla.

Valencia – Cuenca – Ciudad Real – Puertollano – Córdoba – Sevilla.

Reunión entre autoridades de Benidorm y representantes de Adif

Meeting between Authorities of Benidorm and representatives of Adif

Antonio Mayor, President of the Hotel Business Association of Benidorm and the Costa Blanca, HOSBEC, estimated that the AVE in the province “will revolutionize the transport of passengers and will be an eyeopener for a greater purchasing power holidaymaker to approach to Benidorm “.

We hope he is right!

The Medplaya Hotel chain will happily welcome all passengers who would like to stay in the Hotels Rio Park**, Riudor*** and Regente***, in Benidorm, or in any of our other Hotels on the Spanish coastline.


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