Lately the words tourism and sustainability seem to be on everyone’s lips. However, few people really know what it means to do responsible tourism. Do you know that tourism is intimately related to environmental sustainability?

Sustainability and family holidays

When you plan a family holiday you rarely think about sustainability. How can we combine both concepts? Responsible tourism is one in which needs and desires come together to conserve the resources that surround us. Traveling involves being responsible to the world in which we live. If we don’t take care of it, who will do it for us?

It is important that when organising a weekend getaway or a long trip you think about the impact that your actions will have. For example, if you have to travel a few kilometres, it is preferable that you do it by bicycle instead of taking a taxi. Furthermore, if you are going to visit a natural environment it is essential that you think about how you are going to dispose of the waste. Sustainability is linked to responsibility.

Tips to be a responsible tourist

Doing environmental tourism implies that the trip you take is perfectly planned. Organization is a decisive preliminary step if you want to be a responsible tourist. In this way, you will avoid a negative impact on the place you visit. We advise that you book hotels and transport several months in advance, so you will get the best prices and you can choose with ease.

Respect for historical monuments is one of the most relevant tips. Unfortunately, there are many people who have no qualms about stepping on stones with historical value or leaving rubbish in archaeological sites. These places are part of our history and it is essential that you follow the recommendations of the competent authorities responsible for their preservation.

Have you thought about going on a safari as a holiday? One of the greatest tourist attractions is to visit a place where you can contemplate the life of wild animals in total freedom. Everyone has at some point wanted to admire rare species up close. However, around the world there are areas where these animals live in poor conditions. Before visiting them, try to find out if they meet welfare standards.

Lastly, do you know about ethical travel agents? They are tour operators who manage trips with the aim of not harming the environment. They will explain where and how your money will be used based on your personal interests.

In short, through responsible tourism you will support local trade and contribute to preserving the historic heritage and protecting the natural environment.


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