
From left to right: José Miguel Bella Pérez, Pablo Villamediana (Manager Hotel Regente), y Carmen Pérez (another Representative of Solidarity Marina Baixa)

You may have already read it or heard it on numerous mass media like Diario Información, or El Mundo: The Platform Solidarity Marina Baixa has organized the supply of food from Med Playa Hotel Regente (and, as from this Wednesday, from Med Playa Hotel Riudor) to 8 selected families from Benidorm which are  in a situation of precariousness. The aim is to make an efficient use of production surpluses and help others.

The Platform Solidarity Marina Baixa is a non-profit organization of recent creation that has been driven by the Platform for People Affected by the Mortgage (PAH) of Altea, which gears towards alleviating existing social deficiencies.

According to its spokesperson, Don José Miguel Bella Pérez, it was born with the objective of creating social dining rooms, support groups and other activities that may serve as aid to socially excluded people at no cost for the organization.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states on its article 25 that ‘everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services (…)’.

Next Thursday they will be meeting with Benidorm’s Social Welfare Councilor, Cristina Escoda.

To collaborate, you may contact the Platform Solidarity Marina Baixa through the phone (0034) 693 804 937 or email them to Moreover, the association can be supported by clicking on the ‘Like’ button of their Facebook Page.


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