We are pleased to announce that our hotels Bali, Riviera and Pez Espada have succeeded in renewing once again the Travelife Gold Certificate, an award that recognizes establishments that comply with Travelife’s environmental and social management policies.

For the first time, the Balmoral Hotel sent its candidacy and has been awarded the same seal as the other MedPlaya hotels on the Costa del Sol.

To obtain this certification, MedPlaya hotels have had to prove that they meet the more than 160 Travelife requirements, such as the development and execution of sustainability programmes to reduce or minimize environmental impact, actions aimed at increasing energy savings, reduce water usage, establish recycling measures, avoid wasting food, and the proper treatment and disposal of chemical products, among other measures.

In terms of social responsibility, the Travelife certificate also requires the development and fulfilment of plans in favour of local communities and the surroundings close to the hotel, such as the protection of human rights, the welfare of workers, the protection of children, and the collaboration with organizations that carry out social care activities.

Congratulations to all the employees and staff involved in achieving this great prize!


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